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1 Decatur Deb  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 7:53:22am


'It was FDR who asked us to do that, in honor of the blood that was being shed by our sons and daughters in far-off places.’

As my friend the shrink says: "No capacity for introspection".

2 Gus  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 8:36:05am

Americans also invented the English language! -- Mitt Romney


3 shecky  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 9:37:28am

Not only is Mitt flat out wrong, even if what he said was true, wtf is it supposed to mean? Does placing the hand on the heart incur magical properties that somehow makes people better? And it's not as if Americans were too apathetic to engage in in some kind of patriotic gesture prior to then. This is the same pointless cultural signaling to create divisions where there are none, warmed over.

4 bratwurst  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 10:31:58am

Mitt knows his's GOP base would much rather reinforce their intense belief in American exceptionalism than hear anything factual.

5 HappyWarrior  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 10:43:19am

re: #4 bratwurst

Mitt knows his's GOP base would much rather reinforce their intense belief in American exceptionalism than hear anything factual.

This isn't belief in American exceptionalism- this is belief in America fuck yeah. I mean damn I love our country as much as the next guy but I think it's lame that Mitt and the other candidates resort to lying about other countries to do that. But I guess that sells with the GOP base just like Newt putting down New Yorkers for riding the Subway.

6 Genshed  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 12:19:54pm

Someone should show him one of those vintage photos of American schoolchildren pledging allegiance with right arms outstretched, and ask him whether he thinks we should go back to that.

Of course, I keep hoping somebody dumps a bucket of water on Donald Trump's head during a public appearance, so clearly I'm shallow and biased.

7 Charleston Chew  Mon, Feb 6, 2012 1:06:42pm

re: #6 Genshed

Of course, I keep hoping somebody dumps a bucket of water on Donald Trump's head during a public appearance, so clearly I'm shallow and biased.

That would be the second worst possible thing you could do to someone wearing a Mogwai on their head.

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